Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Thor the non-overachiever

Thor's thinking off the top of her head today, guilted into action by a more prolific colleague, so excuse her for coming into the office like this. Forgive her for the lack of pants. Try not to stare at the way her hair shines in the light, like a baby seal after a tanker accident. Whatever you do, do not breathe through your nose, because surely you will discover that Thor not only subsists on a diet of beans and sausage, but she also does not shower.


Thor thought that today was the day she was going to show 'em, and it turns out she did show 'em, but what they saw was a pantsless, frantic Thor, sobbing, a sausage in her left hand.

Can she go home now?


1 comment:

tomroht said...

That wasn't so bad, was it?